Associação da Rede Unida, 13º Congresso Internacional Rede Unida

Anais do 13º Congresso Internacional da Rede Unida

v. 4, Suplemento 1 (2018). ISSN 2446-4813: Saúde em Redes
Suplemento, Anais do 13ª Congresso Internacional da Rede UNIDA
Tamanho da fonte: 
Pablo Stephano Lopes da Silva, Rebeka Santos da Fonseca, Gabriela Oliveira de Nazaré, Adalgisa Azevedo Lima, Maria Mônica Machado de Aguiar, Yara Macambira Santana Lima

Última alteração: 2017-12-20


Presentation: Cervical cancer is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in 99% of cases. This mainly affects the age group of 20 to 29 years with its risk of incidence increased from 60 years of age. Considered among the neoplasias that most cause mortality in women, especially in developing countries, losing only to breast cancer when it comes to Brazil, it has become a public health problem. Its main prevention consists in the precocious detection of precursor lesions of cervical cancer through Pap smears. The aim of this study is to describe the advantages of health education in cervical cancer. Development: The present study consists of an experience report of the teachers and nursing students that took place on November 17 and 24, 2017 in a public health institution in the city of Santarém-PA during the practical session of gynecological nursing, with activity involving 19 women. In order to carry out health education, the academics had the help of a banner from the institution, which provided information about the signs and symptoms, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and prevention of cervical cancer. the most dynamic and interactive moment. Results: Uterine cervix cancer is a disease feared by women; however, the lack of information from many women because they feel that the examination requires a patient to feel sick or have a gynecological symptom, it becomes an important barrier for the accomplishment of the Papanicolau examination, this implies that the accomplishment of this examination is not sufficient for the prevention of the cancer of the uterine cervix and for that, it is necessary educational actions that make clear the importance of the early diagnosis, increasing the probability of cure. Thus, health education is an easily implemented educational technology that can be carried out in various settings, such as schools, churches, community centers, hospitals and basic health units. It is considered an extremely valuable tool for the strategy of primary prevention of cervical cancer by promoting women self-awareness, awareness of the need to perform the Pap test, motivating it for self-care and for adopting healthy behaviors. Health education has shown to be an interactive methodology that promotes the approach of the professional with the user by promoting an ideal moment to discuss the means of prevention of the disease and its risk factors such as the stimulus to safer sex and decrease of the exposure to tobacco, besides identifying the woman with greater risk situation. Final Considerations: Health education has a combination of opportunities that it is this use in which the woman attends the health unit and the professionals perform it providing greater awareness and care of the women for the gynecological preventive exam. and consequently promote and maintain health.


Cancer of the cervix; Health education; prevention